
Senior Scam Seminar

We will host the Attorney General’s Senior Scam Prevention Presentation on Friday, March 21, at 2 p.m. at the Concord Township Municipal Office (43 Thornton Road, Glen Mills, PA 19342).

We will present information about the latest online scams and strategies to avoid becoming a victim. As an example, many may not recognize that Artificial Intelligence has made it possible to replicate the voice of a loved one to send you a false voicemail that your loved one has been kidnapped and may be saved only by a ransom payment. We talk about how to recognize scams and implementing strategies to mitigate harm and who to contact for help.

Seating is limited and registration is required in advance. Please call my office to secure your spot (610-358-5925) or RSVP online here.

Spring Shredding & Drug Takeback Event
Get those shredding papers in a box, binder clips removed and get those unused prescription medications in a bag, because it’s back! The ever-popular Paper Shredding and Drug Takeback event is scheduled for Saturday May 3rd from 9 a.m. to noon at Garnet Valley Middle School 601 Smithbridge Road, Glen Mills, PA 19342.

The Garnet Valley Football Team will help with this event once again. We appreciate their assistance.

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