Williams Secures $3 Million in Funding for Project Safe Neighborhoods Program
July 17, 2024
HARRISBURG – Rep. Craig Williams (R-Delaware/Chester) announces that $3 million was again included in the 2024-25 state budget to support the Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) program. Williams secured the initial $1.5 million for this initiative in 2021, and total funds since Williams started the program are now over $10 million. This funding secures additional prosecutors specifically to combat prior-convicted felons in possession of guns in the region, particularly in Delaware and Philadelphia counties.
Project Safe Neighborhoods, a federal initiative established by the U.S. Department of Justice in 2001, seeks to create safer neighborhoods through aggressively prosecuting felons in possession of guns, which is both a federal and state crime. PSN has been proven effective in significantly decreasing violent crime rates.
Williams is a former Assistant United States Attorney who prosecuted federal crimes under PSN. His initiative here provides funding to hire additional local assistant district attorneys in Delaware and Philadelphia counties, who will work as special assistant United States Attorneys (SAUSAs) to prosecute gun crimes federally. The sentences in the federal system for illegal gun possession are far more severe, and there is no parole from federal prisons.
“As a former PSN prosecutor, I have seen firsthand the impact this program can have on reducing gun violence and making our communities safer,” said Williams. “This funding will enable us to continue this important program fighting violence in our region.”
Philadelphia continues to face a severe gun violence crisis. In 2023 alone, the city had 1,660 shooting victims. This demonstrates a strong need for more prosecution, not less.
“Gun violence remains a critical issue,” said Williams. “Our goal with PSN is to target the most dangerous offenders and remove illegal firearms from our streets. Convicted felons found in possession of guns clearly have no regard for the law. The answer is federal felony prosecution. I am grateful to my House and Senate colleagues for their continued support of this initiative.”
Williams has a distinguished career as a federal prosecutor and Marine Corps prosecutor, having handled cases involving violent crimes, narcotics and terrorism. His commitment to public safety and effective law enforcement continues to drive his legislative efforts.
Representative Craig Williams
160th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Will Patterson
RepCraigWilliams.com / Facebook.com/RepCraigWilliams
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