Williams to Host Policy Hearing on Crime and Safety
May 5, 2023
WHAT: Rep. Craig Williams (R-Delaware/Chester) will host a Republican Policy Hearing on crime, restorative justice and keeping communities safe.
WHO: Testifiers include Chris Eiserman, Delaware County FOP Lodge 27 president; Bob McKierna, Chester FOP Lodge 14; John Egan, Bethel Township Police chief; and Gregg Volz, director of Youth Courts, and instructor for Criminal Justice of Harcum College.
WHEN: Monday, May 8, at 10 a.m.
WHERE: The Concord Township Building, 43 South Thornton Road in Glen Mills.
The press conference will be streamed live at RepCraigWilliams.com.
Media contact: David Foster, 267-207-0207, dfoster@pahousegop.com.
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